Just the Regular Mischief (#497)

The school nurse left a voice mail while I was teaching Elementary Latin: Charlie was……..very tired. “Tired”: Not “applied ice,” not “bumped,” not “forehead,” not “fever.” “Tired” and that was all. I began the telephone tag and left my own voice mail, starting with what may be a new one to add to the list … Continue reading

Waiting for Good Eats (#496)

The distance between where we live in suburban central New Jersey and Manhattan is not great and, on a Sunday morning (like this Sunday morning), it takes an hour, give or take, to get from one place to the other. When there is—as there generally is—-traffic, the trip can take anywhere from that one hour … Continue reading

As Far As I Can Tell (#495)

“You’re going to feel a big let done once this is all over,” more than a few people said to us and especially to Jim in regard to Friday’s Autism and Advocacy conference. It is only the day after the conference and we are still “feeling the good spirit” or, as I rather like to … Continue reading

New Shoes for the Next Road (#494)

It was past midnight when I got back home as the rain poured down. Jim went off to drive a fellow autism parent to a hotel and I went in to greet my parents. Charlie was soundly asleep under two fleece blankets. I went through two days of mail and found that the new shoes … Continue reading

Today is the Day (#493)

“Charlie had a very good day.” That is a direct quote from his teacher about his day, which also included throwing his cereal and crying (and that was all) and a fire drill, after which he went right back to his desk. Gong Gong and Po Po met him at the bus and took him … Continue reading

Remember the Soy Milk (#492)

I have been meaning to buy soy milk since Monday. Charlie is on the gluten-free casein-free diet and drinks either soy or rice milk. He does not seem to be ready, or to want, to eat anything when he first wakes up and usually gets up (drags himself out of the bed), gets his clothes … Continue reading

Imagine if there were 8 of me for my 1 boy (#491)

It was a day of a lot of conversations. With Jim as I drove to work: Charlie was not saying much, smiled as he got on the bus, which seemed pretty good considering that we had to get him out of bed at 1am for a shower and a complete change of sheets and so … Continue reading

It Came Out of Nowhere (#490)

In mid-shower, Charlie started to cry so the window seemed to shake in its frame. Crying became screaming as he sat wrapped in a towel and, just after he pulled on his pajamas, we were in the old familiar territory of a tantrum. Charlie yelled and sniffled, he went down, and before I could think … Continue reading

Altogether in Autismland Redux (#489)

Less than five more days until the autism and advocacy conference on this Friday, October 27th, and so Charlie and I made our way to the airport late this afternoon to pick up my parents. Amid the swirl of things to prepare—proofreading the program, AV, food to be ordered, bottles of water to be made … Continue reading

Looking Good (#488)

On walking into Ant Hockey, Charlie walked over to a smaller child and smiled. Ant Hockey turned into Impromptu Soccer (whoever was supposed to bring the hockey equipment did not) and Charlie could not keep track of the ball, or much else. After pulling him over and over to “line up” to kick a ball … Continue reading

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