Yes, House

 'Yes, house.' That's a new phrase Charlie's been saying when we're back in our house after the various walks of various lengths, bike rides, drives-here-and-there-in-New-Jersey. I'm taking it as a quite positive development as mentioning of being back home when we're out always gets one answer: "No home." Though there's a difference of wording, as … Continue reading

Delaying Gratification

 Charlie and I neared the local state road that we cross to get home and he said, "[Name of chain Mexican fast food restaurant where he's been getting his burritos]!" In days of yore, I would have instantly thought, "we have to go there now, it's so great Charlie asked!" This would have been my … Continue reading

A (More or Less) Cool Breeze of an April Day

So we're making progress, and, as it usual around here, telling perfection it may cast its hoary head out the window. I'm seriously doubtful that Charlie will return to some more agreeable (at least from a parental perspective) sleep schedule from, oh, 10pm – 7am or to regularly sleeping all the way through the night. … Continue reading

Sounds and Sleep

 I got to my classroom for my 9am Elementary Latin class about 10 minutes early.  A couple of my students were already present, sitting quietly. And quiet the classroom remained as the other students slowly came in, and took their seats. Usually there's a bit of talking and buzz but the room remained quiet until … Continue reading

Day of (Relative) Rest

Shocking development: Sunday was actually a day of rest around here. Charlie slept in past 9am and also took an afternoon snooze. It was as gray and rainy as Saturday had been bright and sunshine-y (good thing, or I think we would have skipped the Folk Festival), indeed the sort of day when curling up … Continue reading

‘Aut’ At the Folk Festival

Being 'aut and about' with Charlie is a mantra of sorts for us, and not only with a view to keeping his days (especially weekend ones) activity-filled. It's never 100% for sure how Charlie might react in any community setting, where the careful control exercised in our house and its environs can't be assured. Any … Continue reading

Maybe Sleep Won’t Be an Issue

 So Thursday night Charlie slept from around 9/9.30pm to 7.30am without waking up.  Yes, it was a peaceful night in our household.  Friday morning, Charlie was slow to get out of bed so I set the iPod touch timer, placed it beside him, and went about my morning business: making, and of course drinking, coffee; … Continue reading

Sleep Issues, Again, and Maybe a Strategy

I definitely wasn't kidding when I posted about sleep issues yesterday. Charlie woke around 1am Thursday morning. He got dressed and went downstairs and asked to put on his socks. I had met with Charlie's teacher and a school behaviorist Tuesday and (among other things) we'd talked about his recent early wakings. We talked about … Continue reading

Sleep Issues, Again

 Be careful what you wish for, the saying goes. Charlie woke up just before 5am yesterday and as I heard him clomping into the shower I thought, well that's later than 3am. For the past couple of years, one of my recurring complaints has been the difficulty of rousing Charlie in the morning and getting … Continue reading

A New Route For Walking

As Charlie and I crossed an intersection to drive onto the street that leads to the state highway we take en route to his school, we spied a non-moving line of cars. The line extended into the intersection and I made a fast decision to turn right. That brought us into a shorter line of … Continue reading

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